N-The Blind Beggar's Daughter C- A- T- S-132 K-C B-3/4 F- H- M-6G-4 S-6 F-4 E-4 D-4 C-4 C-4 G-4 F-4 D-4 G-4 C-2 G-4 a-4 b-4 c-4 L- It's of a blind beg- gar who had lost his sight, He had but one H- M-5d-4 G-4 c-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 G-2 a-4 G-4 c-4 G-4 a-4 b-4 c-4 L- daugh- ter most beau- ti- ful bright. "May I seek my for- tune, dear H- M-5c-4 b-4 a-4 G-2 G-8 G-8 a-4 a-4 G-4 F-4 D-4 E-4 C-4 A-4 B-4 L- fa- ther?" said she. And the fa- vour was gran- ted to pret- ty Bet- H- M-1C-2 S-6 S-6 L- sy.