N-The Three Brothers C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-3/4 F-Bold Archie. Bronson A H- M-6G-4 S-6 b-9 c-0 d-4 d-4 d-7_e-7 g-7 d-5 d-8 e-9 d-0 b-4_d-9_b-0 a-7 b-7 G-7 F-4_E-8 R-0 D-0 D-9 E-0 G-4 G-4 L- As I walked on a plea-sant green, 'Twas on the first mor-ning in may I heard twa bro-thers H- M-3a-9 b-0 c-4 b-8_a-8 b-9 c-0 d-4 a-9_c-0 b-9 a-0 G-4 S-6 S-6 L- make their mane And hear- ken'd well what they did say.