N-Both Sides the Tweed C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-3/4 F- H- M-5R-2 A-8 B-8 C-4 B-5 A-8 C-5 D-8 E-4 a-3_a-2 S-6 L- What's the spring brea- thing jas- mine and rose, H- M-5a-8 a-8 S-6 G-5 E-8 C-4 C-5 D-8 E-4 @-3_@-2 A-8 B-8 L- What's the sum- mer with all its gay train? Or the H- M-5C-5 B-8 A-4 D-4 D-4 E-4 a-3_a-2 b-8 a-8 G-8 E-5 R-8 C-8 L- splen- dour of au- tumn to those Who have bar-tered their H- M-5D-4 B-5 @-8 A-3_A-2 E-8 G-8 a-2 a-8 a-8 a-4 G-5 E-8 L- free- dom for gain? Let the love of our land's sa- cred H- M-6G-3_G-2 a-8 G-8 E-5 D-8 C-4 C-8 D-5 E-4 W-2 @-3_W-3 @-2 S-6 L- rights To the love of our peo- ple suc- ceed, H- M-5A-8_B-8 S-6 C-4_B-5 A-8 C-5 D-8 E-4 a-3_a-2 b-8_a-8 L- Let friends and ho- nour u- nite, And H- M-4G-8 E-5 R-8 C-8 D-4 B-5 @-8 W-2 A-3_A-2 R-4 S-6 L- flou-rish on both sides the Tweed.