N-the Maid of Buncloudy C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-3/4 F- H- M-1E-8 F-8 S-6 G-4 c-4 d-8_b-8 c-4 G-4 G-8 F-8 E-4 C-4 D-8_B-8 C-2 b-8 c-8 d-4 G-4 c-8_b-8 L- Oh was I at the moss- house where the birds do in- crease. At the foot of Mount H- M-5a-4 G-4 F-4 E-4 G-8_E-8 C-8_E-8 D-2 b-8 c-8 d-4 G-4 c-8_b-8 a-8 a-8 G-4 F-4 L- Lein- ster or some si- lent place, Near the streams of Bun- clou-dy, where all H- M-5E-4 G-8_E-8 C-8_E-8 D-2 E-8_F-8 G-4 c-4 d-8_b-8 c-4 G-4 G-8_F-8 E-4 C-4 D-8_B-8 L- plea- sures do meet, And all I'd re- quire is one kiss from you H- M-1C-2 S-6 S-6 L- sweet.