N-CardsXXX or Tom Brown C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-6/8 F- H- M-1R-4 R-8 G-4 G-8 c-4 c-8 c-4 c-8 c-5 e-4 d-8 d-4 c-8 d-4 e-8 c-5_c-4 c-8 L- Oh, the King will take the Queen, but the Queen will take the Knave, And H- cho: M-5e-4 c-8 c-4 c-8 d-4 c-8 c-4 d-8 c-4 d-8 c-4 a-8 G-5 E-4 D-8 E-5 G-5 L- since we're in good com- pa- ny, more li- quor let us have. Here's to you, Tom H- M-1C-3 G-4 G-8 G-4 G-8 G-4 E-8 C-5 G-4 G-8 G-4 G-8 G-4 E-8 C-5 L- Brown, And to you me jol- ly soul, And to you with all me heart, H- M-5G-4 G-8 G-4 G-8 G-4 E-8 C-4 E-8 F-4 E-8 F-4 G-8 a-4 G-8 C-4 B-8 C-4 E-8 G-4 E-8 L- And with you I'll take a quart, with you I'll drink a drop or two be- fore that we do H- M-5D-5 C-4 B-8 C-5 D-5 @-5 F-4 E-8 F-5 G-5 C-3 S-6 L- part, Here's to you, Tom Brown, Here's to you, Tom Brown.