N-Cawsand Bay C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F-Hugill; Songs of the Sea H- M-6D-4 S-6 G-4 G-4 G-4 G-4 d-4 G-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 c-4 a-4 b-4 d-4 a-4 L- In Caw- sand Bay ly- in', the Blue Pe- ter fly- in', the hands all turn'd H- M-1b-4 d-4 G-4 b-4 a-4 a-4 a-2 D-4 G-4 G-4 G-4 G-4 b-4 G-4 L- up, oh, the an- chor to weigh. There came off a la- dy, as H- M-1a-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 c-4 a-4 b-4 d-4 G-4 b-4 d-4 c-4 b-4 G-4 a-4 L- fresh as a May- day, who loo- king up mo- dest- ly these words did H- M-1G-2 S-6 S-6 L- say.