N-The Loss of the Cedar Grove C- A- T- S-164 K-A B-3/4 F- H- M-;W-2 E-8 S-6 a-5 R-8 b-4 a-2 F-4 E-3 C-4 R-4 E-4 a-2 a-4 b-8_a-5 G-4 a-8 R-8 R-2 R-2 c-4 e-2 e-4 e-2 d-4 L- Of late, a no- ble stea- mer, the Ce- dar Grove by name A- cross the bri- ny H- M-:W-2 c-3 c-8 R-8 R-4 b-4 a-8 a-8_a-2 G-8 a-8_a-2 b-2 R-4 R-2 c-4 e-5 e-5 e-5 d-4 R-8 c-5 c-5 c-5 R-4 c-8 L- o- cean, from Lon-don Ci- ty came. Whilst stee-ring on one stor- my night, too H- M-:W-2 d-2 F-4 G-2 a-4 E-2 R-4 a-3 E-2 F-4 E-5 D-5 C-5_E-5 a-4 R-4 b-4 c-2 d-4 b-8 G-8_G-2 L- thick to see the land, By some mis- cal- cu- la- tion near Can- so she did H- M-2W-2 a-2 R-4 R-2 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- strand.