N-The Cumberland Coal C-Kay Cothran A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F- H-8 M-6d-8_b-8 S-6 G-5 G-8 G-8 G-8 b-8_d-5 e-8_d-8 c-5 c-8 c-4 e-8 g-5 e-4 d-5 d-8 d-4 L- In Ro- bin Ten-nes-see, they'll tell you a sto- ry, of five men who H- M-5e-8 d-5 b-4 b-5 c-8 b-4 a-5 d-8_b-4 G-5 G-8_G-4 b-8 d-5 G-8_G-8 L- went down to dig in the coal, The gas ex- plo- ded, The H- M-5c-5 c-8 c-4 e-8 g-5 e-4 d-5 d-8 d-4 e-4 d-4 b-4 a-5 b-8 a-4 L- cei- lin' come fal- ling, The rea- son is hid- den way down in that H- M-1G-2 S-6 S-6 L- hole.