N-The Connaught Rangers (2) C- A- T- S-100 K-Bb B-4/4 F- H- M-5F-8 F-8 G-8 S-6 C-4 B-4 @-8 @-8 C-8 D-8 @-4 ?-5 F-8 G-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 D-8 C-4 D-8_F-8 G-2 R-8 S-6 L- All in the mor- ning when the day was daw- ning, They took him down in-to the grim dark square. H- M-5G-8 F-8 G-8 S-6 C-4 B-5 @-8 C-8 D-8 @-4 ?-2 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 D-8 C-8 B-8 A-8 @-8 ?-8 @-5 ?-8 @-8 S-6 L- And there they shot him and soon for-got him For a sol- dier reck'd no wor- ry be he here nor there. H- M-5b-8 b-8 a-8 S-6 G-4 a-8 b-8 c-8_b-8 a-8_G-8 F-8 D-8_D-2 R-8 D-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 a-8 b-8_a-8 G-8 F-8 D-8 G-4 F-8 G-8 S-6 L- "Aim for my heart, lads," he cried un- to them, "For this your ma-jes-ty pays ten shil-lings each day, H- M-5G-8 F-8 G-8 S-6 C-8 B-8_B-5 @-8 C-8 D-8 @-8 ?-8_?-2 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 D-8 C-8 B-5 @-8 @-8 @-8 @-8 ?-8 @-8 S-6 S-6 L- May God for- give you!" His ges-ture threw them, Then he brave-ly stood and died the sol-dier's on-ly way.