N-Earl Crawford C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F-Bronson #229 2 H- M-6b-8 S-6 a-9 F-0 G-4 a-8_b-8 a-8 F-8 E-4 D-8 R-0 E-0 D-8 d-0_b-0 a-4 b-8_d-8 e-8 f-0_e-0 d-5 b-8 a-9 F-0 G-4 b-8_d-8 L- O we were sis- ters, sis-ters se- ven, We were a come- ly crew to see. And some got lairds and H- M-1a-8 F-8 E-4_D-8 R-0 D-0 F-8 a-8 b-4 a-9_F-0 E-9 D-0 D-4 d-9_b-0 a-8 F-8 G-8_a-8 b-8 d-0_b-0 a-8 F-8 E-4 D-8 R-0 D-0 L- some got lords, And some got knichts o' hie de-gree. And I my- sel got the Earl of Craw- ford And H- M-1F-8 a-8 b-4 a-9 F-0 E-9 D-0 D-5 S-6 S-6 L- was- na that a great match for me!