N-The Cumberland and the Merrimac C- A- T- S-132 K-G B-3/4 F- H- M-1W-2 D-4 S-6 G-2 G-4 a-4 d-2 c-4 a-2_a-2 F-4 G-2 F-4 D-2 C-4 D-3 R-2 G-4 a-2 a-4 d-2 e-4 L- Come all my jol- ly sea- men, like- wise you lands- men too; It is a dread- ful H- M-1W-2 f-4 d-2_d-4 d-4_e-4 d-2 c-4 a-4_G-4 F-4 G-3 R-2 G-4 a-2 a-4 d-2 e-4 f-4 e-4 d-4_d-2 e-4 L- sto- ry I will un- fold to you. It's all a- bout the Cum-ber- land the H- M-;W-2 d-2 c-4 a-2 F-4 W-1 G-3 W-2 R-4 a-4 b-4 c-4 c-4 b-4 a-4 S-9 d-2 c-4 a-2_a-2 F-4 G-4 F-2 D-4 C#2 D-2 S-6 S-6 L- ship so true and brave, And it's ma-ny's the loy- al sea- man that met a wa- t'ry grave.