N-Daughters of Feminists C-Nancy White A- T- S-100 K-B B-6/8 F- H- B E B E B B M-1F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 G-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 F-5 R-8 D-8 F-8 L- Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists love to wear pink and white short fril-ly dres-ses they speak of suc-ces-ses with boys, It an- H- G#m C#m F# B M-5b-5 R-4 F-8 G-5 R-4 R-8 R-2 R-4 F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 L- noys their mom. Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists won't put on jeans or that H- E B E B B G#m C#m M-5G-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 F-5 R-8 D-8 F-8 b-5 R-4 F-8 G-5 R-4 R-8 L- pre-cious con-struc-tion boot Ma-ma found cute, ug-ly shoes they re- fuse. How come? H- G Em M-5R-2 R-4 b-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 a%8 G%8 b-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 a%8 G%8 b-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 a%8 G%8 b-8 b-8 b-8 e-8 d%4 L- Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists think they'll get mar-ried to some weal-thy guy who'll sup-port them for-e-ver H- C#m F# B M-5c-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 d-8 e-8 f-3 R-2 R-4 F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 L- Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists don't bo-ther vo-ting at all. Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists H- E B Em M-5F-8 b-8 b-8 b-8 F-8 F-8 G-8 c-8 c-8 c-4 G-8 d-5 R-4 R-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 L- beg to wear lip-stick each day from the age of three. Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists think that a prin-cess is H- F3 B chorus: E F# M-5F-8 F-8 F-8 F-8 G-8 a-8 b-3 R-2 R-4 g-5_g-8 f-8 g-8 h-5 R-4 g-8 L- what they are des-tined to be. How do they get so H- D#m G#m C#m F# B M-5f-3 b-5 R-4 R-8 e-9 e-9_e-4 g-8 f-5 R-4 e-8 d-3 L- gir- lie? How come they want a Bar- H- D#7 G#m M-5F-5 R-4 R-8 c-5_c-8 b#8 c-8 e-5 R-4 d-8 b-3 g-5 R-4 R-8 L- bie? Why does it start so ear- ly? H- G Em E/F# M-6d%8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 d%8 d-8 d-8 d-8 d-4 d%8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 R-4 R-8 f-4 i-8 W-2 g-3_g-3 L- Why, when we bring her up just like a fel-la, who does she i-do- lize? Cin- der- el- K-E H- F# D Bm Em7 M-5f-3_f-5 R-4 R-8 SKD a-4 d-8 d-4 a-8 a-4 d-8 d-4 a-8 b-4 e-8 e-4 b-8 L- la! (spoken) .- Ho- ney she's a doormat. You think when she mar-ries that prince K-D H- A6 Gm Bb A D F Bb M-6f-3 f-4 f-8 f-8 e-8 d-8 f-4 f-8 f-8 e-8 d-8 a-4 a-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 W-2 d-5 F%5_SKBbF-4 b-8 b-4 F-8 L- he's not going to expect her to run that entire castle? .- .- Look at all those rooms. And he's always on the roa K-Bb H- CM7 M-5F-4 b-8 b-4 F-8 G-4 c-8 c-4 G-8 d-3 d-8 R-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 d-8 R-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 L- Snow White? Doing all the housework for seven guys? In return for room and board. This is no H- F Bb G C F C M-5F-4 F-8 F-8 G-8 a-8 b-5 G-5 SKC G-8 c-8 c-8 c-8 G-8 G-8 G-4 c-8 c-8 G-8 G-8 a-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 a-8 a-8 L- deal. Huh! Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists bruise so ea-si-ly Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists H- Fm C C M-5e-5 R-4 R-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 e-5 e-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 G-5 R-8 x-8 x-8 L- hurt. Daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists curt-sey and skip daugh-ters of fe-mi-nists flirt. They say H- Fm C M-1R-4 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 R-4 R-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 L- Please mom-my can I do the dish-es? and let's make a pie for my bro-ther! Are they sin-cere? Are they H- G C Cm7 chorus: F M-5e-8 e-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 a-8 b-8 b-8 c-4_c-5 R-2 R-4 h-5_h-8 g-8 h-8 L- cra- zy or Are they just try-ing to stick it to mo-ther? How do they H- G Em Am Dm G M-5i-5 R-4 h-8 g-4_h-8_g-4_c-8 c-5 R-4 c-8 f-9 f-9_f-4 h-8 g-5 R-4 f-8 L- get so gir- lie? And how come they want a H- C E7 Am M-5e-3 G-5 R-4 R-8 d-5_d-8 c#8 d-8 f-5 R-4 e-8 c-3 L- Bar- bie? Why does it start so ear- H- F G M-5h-5 R-4 R-8 g-5 f-4 e-8 f-5 e-4 d-8 f-5 e-4 d-8 i-5 h-4 g-8 L- ly? Daugh- ters of fe- mi- nists just want to play with their H- C M-1j-5 R-4 R-8 S-6 L- toys!