N-The Donside Emigrant's Farewell C- A- T- S-128 K-C B-9/8 F- H- M-4D-4_E-8 S-6 F-4_E-8 D-5 E-4_C-8 D-5 a-5 G-4_b-8 a-5 C-4_D-8 E-5 L- Come all my old com- rades, once more let us H- M-1D-5_D-4 R-8 D-4_E-8 F-5 G-5 a-4_G-8 a-5 d-5 d-4_b-8 c-4_a-8 S-6 L- join And raise your sweet voi- ces in cho- H- M-1G-4_a-8 c-4_b-8 S-6 a-5_a-4 R-8 D-4 E-8 F-5 G-5 a-4_G-8 a-5 d-5 S-6 L- rus with mine. Let us drink and be mer- ry H- M-4d-4_b-8 S-6 c-4_a-8 G-4_a-8 c-4_b-8 a-5_a-4 R-8 a-4 G-8 F-4_E-8 D-5 G-4_E-8 L- from sor- row re- frain, For we may and may H- M-3C-5 D-5 E-4_G-8 a-5 G-4_E-8 a-5 D-5_D-4 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- ne- ver meet all here a- gain.