N-Drimindown C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-6/8 F- H- M-6D-8 S-6 D-8 a-8 a-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 E-8 D-8 C-8 D-4 D-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 d-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 d-4 a-8 d-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 a-8 L- There was an old man and he had but one cow, And how that he lost her he could-n't tell how, For white was her fore-head and H- cho: M-5c-8 b-8 c-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 a-8 a-8 G-8 G-8 F-8 E-8 C-8 D-8 C-8 D-8 c-4 b-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 D-4 C-8 D-5 L- slick was her tail And I thought my poor Dri-min-down ne-ver would fail E-go so ro Dri-min-down ho ro ha. H- M-5d-4 d-8 c-8 d-8 e-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 d-5 d-4 d-8 c-8 b-8 a-8 c-8 b-8 G-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 a-8 a-8 G-8 G-8 L- So ro Dri- min-down nea-ly you gra, So ro Dri-min-down or- ha ma dow Me poor Dri-min-down nea le sko H- M-3F-8 E-8 C-8 D-8 C-8 D-8 c-4 b-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 D-4 C-8 D-4 S-6 S-6 L- che- a go sla- ni-gash So ro Dri- min-down ho- ro ha.