N-Dry Bones C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H-solo: M-1E-4 G-8 G-8 G-8 a-4 a-8 b&8 a-5 G-2 E-8 G-8 G-4 G-8_a-8 G-8 b&8_b&2_b-5 E-8 L- Down in the val-ley the spi- rit spoke: " 'Ze-kul go pro- phe- sy; And H- M-4E-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 a-8 a-8 G-8 b&4 a-4 G-4 a-4 b&8 c-8 a-4 G-4 E-4 E-3 R-4 L- 'Ze- kul saw the val-ley full o' dead man's bones, And e- ve- ry bone was dry. H-chorus: M-4E-5 G-5 G-8 a-8 b&8 a-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 G-8 G-4 G-4 a-4 b&3_b-8 R-8 L- Dry bones gwine-a ga-ther-in the mor-nin' Come to-ge-ther and rise and shine; H- M-4E-5 G-5 G-8 a-8 b&8 a-8 b-8 a-8 G-0 E-9 a-4 b&8 c-8 a-4 G-4 E-4 E-3 R-4 S-6 L- Dry bones gwine-a ga-ther in the val-ley An' some of them bones is mine.