N-I've Worked Eight Hours this Day C- A- T- S-60 K-G B-2/4 F- H- M-5W-4 D-0 D-0 S-6 G-8 G-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 G-8 G-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 G-0 G-0 G-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 G-0 F-0 G-0 a-0 G-0 F-0 S-6 L- Have ye heard the rule, me boys, the la- test rule, me boys? Ye mus-tn't work more than eight hours a-ny day or else you're H- M-5W-4 E-0_D-0 S-6 a-8 a-8 G#0 a-0 b-0_G-0 a-8 a-8 G#0 a-0 b-0_G-0 a-9 b-0 a-8 G-8 W-3 F-8 d-8 d-8 R-8 L- fined. Eight hours work a day then eight hours to play, Ye must work no more d'ye mind? H- M-4R-4 R-8 D-8 W-4 G-8 G-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 G-8 G-8 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 G-8 G-0 G-0 F-0 G-0 a-0 F-0 L- Pat had a load of bricks to- night, 'twas stri-king six, the top of the lad-der he was H- M-4W-4 G-0 F-0 G-0 a-0 G-0 F-0 E-0 D-0 a-0 a-0 a-8 G#0 a-0 b-0 G-0 a-8 a-8 G#0 a-0 b-0 G-0 a-8 b-8 a-0 a-0 b-8 L- on but would-n't leave thim thin he would-n't work o-ver-time for that would be a crime, Says he, "I'll car-ry thim H- M-5a-8 d-8 d-8 S-6 ST44D-8 D-8 S-6 G-4 G-4 a-4 a-4 G-2 R-4 a-9 b-0 c-4 c-4 b-4 b-4 L- down a- gin." For I've worked eight hours this day, And I think I've earned my B-4/4 H- M-4a-2 R-4 b-9 c-0 d-4 b-4 a-4 b-9 c-0 d-4 b-4 a-4 D-4 G-8 G-8 G-4 G-8 b-8 d-8 b-8 L- pay, When the clock struck six he tuk down the bricks, He would-n't work half a min- ute H- M-1a-2 G-4 S-6 S-6 L- long- er.