N-The Wreck on the C&O C- A- T- S-150 K-G B-3/4 F- H- M-1W-2 D-4 S-6 G-3 G-2 a-4 b-2 b-4 b-3_b-4 R-4 a-4 G-2 a-4 G-2 E-4 G-3_G-2 R-4 d-2 b-4 L- A- long come the F. F. V., the swift- est on the line. Run- ning H- M-:W-2 d-2 b-4 d-4 d-4 e-4 d-3_d-4 R-4 b-4 a-2 a-4 a-4 a-4 b-4 a-3_a-4 R-4 b-4_d-2 b-4 d-2 b-4 L- o'er the C and O Road, Just twen- ty min- utes be- hind, Run- ning in- to H- M-1W-2 d-2_e-4 d-3_d-4 R-4 b-4 G-2 a-4 G-2 E-4 G-3_G-4 R-4 D-4 G-2 G-4 G-2 a-4 b-2_b-4 L- Sou- ville, Head-quar- ters on the line. Re- cei- ving their strict or- H- M-6W-2 b-3_b-4 R-4 G-8 G-8 a-2 a-4 b-4_b-4 a-4 G-3_G-4 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- ders From a sta- tion just be- hind.