N-Four Little Johnny Cakes C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-4/4 F- H- M-5C-8 S-6 F-4 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 F-0 F-4_F-8 R-8 G-9 G-0 G-9 a-0 b-9 G-0 G-9 G-0 a-9 G-0 a-9 b-0 c-4 S-6 L- Hur-rah for the Lach-lan, boys, and join me in a cheer; That's the place to go to make an ea- sy cheque each year. H- M-5c-9 c-0 S-6 d-9 d-0 c-9 b-0 c-0 a-9_a-8 a-8 b-9 b-0 a-9 G-0 a-4 R-8 C-8 F-7 F-7 F-7 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 G-0 a-8 G-8 a-8 b%8 c-4 S-6 L- With a toad-skin in my poc-ket .- bor-rowed from a friend, Oh is-n't it nice and ea-sy to be cam- ping in the bend, H- chorus M-5C-8 C-8 S-6 F-4 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 F-0 F-4_F-8 R-8 G-9 G-0 G-9 a-0 b-9 G-0 G-9 G-0 a-9 G-0 a-9 b-0 c-4 S-6 L- With my lit- tle round flo-ur bag .-sit- ting on a stump, My lit-tle tea-and-su-gar bag loo- king nice and plump H- M-5c-9_c-0 S-6 d-9 d-0 c-9_b-0 c-0 a-9_a-8 a-8_b-9 b-0_a-9 G-0 a-4 R-8 C-8 F-7_F-7_F-7 F-9 G-0 a-9 F-0 F-9 G-0 a-8 F-8 F-9 F-0 S-6 L- A lit- tle fat cod-fish, just off the hook, And four lit- tle john-ny cakes a cre-dit to the H- M-1F-4_F-8 S-6 S-6 L- cook.