N-Father Murphy of County Wexford C- A- T- S-100 K-D B-3/4 F- H- M-6d-8 S-6 c-8 a-8 b-9 a-0 F-8 F-8 F-8 E-8 E-9_F-0 a-8 b-8 c-8 a-8 b-9_a-0 F-8 E-8 E-8 D-8 D-5 d-8 c-8 a-8 b-9_a-0 F-8 F-8 L- Come all ye war- ri-ors and re- knowned no-bles who once com-man-ded brave war-like bands, Lay down your plumes and your H- M-1F-8 E-8 E-9_F-0 a-8 b-8 c-8 a-8 b-9_a-0 F-8 E-8 E-8 D-8 D-5 E-8 F-8 F-8 d-4 c-8 d-0 d-0 e-8 d-8 c-9_b-0 a-8 a-8 L- gol- den tro- phies Give up your arms with a trem-bling hand. Since Fa-ther Mur- phy of the Coun-ty Wex- ford late- H- M-5b-8 b-8 b-9_a-0 F-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 d-5 d-8 c-8 b-8 b-9 a-0 F-8 F-8 F-8 E-8 E-9_F-0 a-8 b-8 c-0 c-0 a-8 b-9_a-0 F-8 E-8 L- ly a- roused from his slee-py dream, To cut downm cru-el Sax-on per-se- cu- tion And wash it a-way in a H- M-1E-8 D-8 D-5 S-6 S-6 L- crim-son stream.