N-The Grey Cock C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F-As sing by Eliza Carthy H-8 M-6i-8 i-8 i-8 S-6 n-8 m-4 l-8 k-8 k-0_l-0 l-0_k#0 i-8_i-5 h-8 i-8 i-8 n-4 m-8_l-8 k-8 l-0_m-0 l-5 l-0_m-0 n-9 l-0 k-8 S-6 L- I must be go- ing no lon- ger stay- ing, the bur-ning Thames I have to cross; I will be gui- H- M-4l-4_l-0 i-0 S-6 i-9 h-0 i-8 e-4 f-8 g-8 i-0_k-0 l-5 i-0_h-0 g-9 f-0 e-4 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- ded with- out a stum- ble, in- to the arms I love the best.