N-GRIGALOO C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-2/4 F- H- M-1c-8 S-6 F-0 F-9 D-8 C-8 F-0 F-9 D-8 C-8 F&0 G-9 a-0 b-9 c-5 c-8 d-0 c-9 d-8 d-8 c-0 c-9 a-8 a-8 G-0 F-9 G-8 a-8 G-5 S-6 L- Ten thou-sand Ro-man sol-diers to the hie-lan's they came north, And they had con-quered mil-lions from the Ti-ber to the Forth, H- M-8C-8 S-6 F-0 F-9 D-8 C-8 F-0 F-9 D-8 C-8 F-0 G-9 a-0 b-9 c-4 F-8 F-8 d-0 d-9 d-8 d-8 c-0 c-9 c-8 a-8 G-8 C-8 D-7 D-7 E-7 L-They lan-ded near Loch Lo-mand for the night they thought they'd lie But from some-where on the Cob-bler Hill they heard this ter-ri-ble H- M-8F-5 C-0 C-0 S-6 F-5 C-0 C-0 F-4 C-0 C-0 C-8 F-8 a-8 G-7 G-7 F-7 c-5 c-8 ST28c-9 b-0 ST24a-2_a-8 c-8 d-0 d-0 S-6 L- cry: Gri- ga-li! Gri-ga-loo! Come up and fight ye co-ward-ly crew! I'll hae ye for ma pot o' H- M-6f-2_f-8 R-8 R-8 d-8 c-5 a-8 G-5 F-8 G-2_F-8 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- stew, You're feart tae fight wi' me.