N-The Great Courthouse C- A- T- S-100 K-A B-3/4 F- H- m-1h-8 h-8 S-6 j-2 j-8_i-8 h-2 j-8_m-8 l-2 j-8_i-8 h-2 h-8_j-8 l-2 S-6 L- Oh the great court- house was crow- ded on One bright H- m-5l-7_l-7 j-7 S-6 i-4_g-4 g-8_i-8 ST54h-3 R-4 h-7_h-7 h-7 ST34j-8 j-5 j-8_i-8 h-2 i-8_j-8 L- shi- ny Mon- day morn. An' the ma- ny a heart was H- m-5l-2 j-8_i-8 h-2 i-8 j-8 l-2 l-8 l-8 i-4_g-4 g-8_i-8 h-3 L- a- ching there For a boy they ac- cused of wrong; H- M-1R-4 R-4 C-4 E-2 E-8_a-8 F-2 G-9 F-0 E-2 E-4 C-2 D-4 L- The judge was there and the ju- ry, too, And H- M-1E-2 E-8_a-8 F-2 F-8_a-8 E-3_E-2 A-4 B-8_C-5 C-8_B-8 L- peo- ple from a- far, A fair young H- m-5h-2 i-8_j-8 l-2 j-8_i-8 h-2 i-8_j-8 l-2 j-4 i-4_g-4 g-8_i-8 L- lad of ten- der youth Was pris- 'ner at the H- m-2h-3_h-4 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- bar.