N-A New Loyal Song Against Home Rule C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-6/8 F- H- M-6G-0 G-0 S-6 a-8 D-8 D-8 D-8_c-8 E-8 E-8 D-8 D-8 D-4 d-0_e-0 f-8 e-8 d-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 a-8 b&8 c-8 d-4 d-8 e-8 d-8 c-8 d-8 c-8 a-8 L- I'm an I-rish-man born in loy- al Bel-fast, And ma-ny bright years, boys, in it I have passed, In my boy-hood days when I H- M-3G-8 F-8 E-8 F-4 G-0 G-0 a-8 D-8 D-8 D-8 c-8 E-8 E-8 E-8 D-8 D-4 S-6 S-6 L- first went to school, that's the place where I heard of thr sub-ject Home Rule. H- M-0 L-