N-Misty, Moisty Morning C- A- T- S-132 K-D B-4/4 F- H- M-8W-2 F-8_G-8 S-6 a-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 a-2 a-4 G-8_a-8 b-4 a-4 G-4 a-4 b-2 b-4 c-8_d-8 c-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 a-2 a-4 a-4 G-4 E-4 E-4 F-4 L- One mis-ty mois-ty mor- ning when clou-dy was the wea- ther I met a with-er'd old man a- cloth-ed all in H- M-1W-2 G-2 G-4 a-8 G-8 F-4 D-4 D-4 E-4 F-4_G-4 a-4 G-8 F-8 E-4 D-4 C-4 D-4 W-2 E-3 F-8 G-8 F-4 D-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 G-4 a-4 G-8_F-8 b-4 a-4 G#5 a-8 L- lea- ther He was clo-thed all in lea- ther with a cap be-neath his chin, Sing-in' "How-d'ye do and how-d'ye-do and how-d'ye-do a- H- M-1W-2 a-3 S-6 S-6 L- gain! "