N-Indicating Rock C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-6/8 F- H- M-6C-8 S-6 F-4 F-8 F-4 F-8 F-4_G-8 a-4 F-8 G-4 G-8 F-4 E-8 F-5_F-4 a-8 b-4 b-8 b-4 b-8 L- Come all you jol- ly dig- gers And har- dy sons of toil, Who've come to dig on H- M-5a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-4 a-8 G-4 F-8 c-5_c-4 a-8 b-4 c-8 d-4 b-8 a-8 c-4_c-8 c-8 a-8 L- Fi- ery Creek and tried to make a pile. You la- bour just as con- stant As the H- M-5b-8 b-8 a-8 G-4 F-8 c-5_c-8 C-8 C-8 F-4 F-8 F-4 G-8 a-4 a-8 F-4 F-8 G-4 G-8 F-4 E-8 L- pend-u- lum of a clock, And you pay such great at- ten- tion to the in- di- ca- ting H- M-1F-5_F-4 S-6 L- rock.