N-Johnnie Armstrong C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-3/4 F-From The English and Scottish Popular Ballads H- M-6G-9_a-0 S-6 b-2 a-4 G-4_E-4 D-4 D-4_E-4 G-4 a-2 G-9_a-0 b-2 a-9_G-0 L- Sum speiks of lords, sum speiks of lairds, And sic- lyke H- M-5G-4_E-4 D-4 E-4_G-4 G-9_a-0 G-2 G-9 a-0 b-2 b-9_a-0 G-4_E-4 D-4 L- men of hie de- grie, Of a gen- tle- man I H- M-5D-4_E-4 G-8_a-0_b-0 a-2 G-9_a-0 b-2 a-9_G-0 G-4_E-4 D-4 E-4_G-4 G-9_a-0 L- sing a sang, Sum tyme called laird of Gil- noc- H- M-5G-2 b-8_d-8 e-2 e-0_d-0_b-8 a-4_G-4 a-4 b-4_g-4 e-4 e-8 d-4 R-8 b-4 L- kie. The King he writes a lo- ving let-ter With H- M-5a-4_b-4 d-4 g-2 e-8_d-8 b-4_e-4 e-9_f-0 e-2 d-4 e-9_f-0_g-4 f-4 L- his ain hand sae ten- der- ly And he hath H- M-5e-9_f-0 e-9_d-0 b-8_e-8 d-9_e-0 d-0_b-9 a-9_G-0 a-2 b-9_d-0 e-9_f-0_g-8_e-8 d-8_b-8 c-5_b-8 a-8_G-8 L- sent it tae John- nie Arm- strong, To come and speik with H- M-2E-4 G-4 G-9_a-0 G-2 S-6 S-6 L- him spee- di- ly.