N-Jerry, Go an' Ile That Car C- A- T- S-120 K-F B-4/4 F- H- M-9W-2 C-4 S-6 F-5 F-8 D-4 C-4 c-4 c-4 c-5 c-8 d-4 c-4 F-4 G-4 D-3 E-4 F-5 F-8 D-8 D-8 C-4 c-4 c-4 c-5 c-8 d-8_c-8 a-8_G-8 F-4 G-4 F-3 S-6 L- Come all ye rail-road sec-tion men An' lis-ten to my song. It is of Lar-ry O'- Sul-li-van, who now is dead and gone. H- M-9W-2 c-4 S-6 d-4 d-4 d-5 b-8 c-4 c-4 c-5 c-8 d-4 c-4 F-4 G-4 D-3 E-8 E-8 F-5 F-8 D-4 C-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 c-4 d-8 c-8 a-8 G-8 F-4 G-4 F-3 S-6 S-6 L-For twen- ty years a sec-tion boss, Was known both near and far, Oh it's "J'int a-head and cin-ter back, An' Jer-ry go and ile that car!