N-George Reilly (4) C- A- T- S-100 K-D B-2/2 F- H- M-1W-2 D-8 D-8 S-6 ST32a-3 F-4 a-4 F-4 ST22D-2 F-4 a-4 a-4 a-4 F-4 E-4 W-2 D-3 a-4 a-5 F-8 a-4 b-4 d-4 f-2 d-4 L- It was on a sum-mer mor- ning, the wea-ther be-ing fair, I strolled for rec-re- a- tion down B-3/2 H- M-6W-2 e-3 d-4 a-6_F-6 a-6 ST22b-3 a-4 a-4 a-4 a-5 F-8 d-4 f-2 d-4 ST32e-3 d-4 a-6_F-6 a-6 ST22b-3 a-4 L- by the ri- ver clear. I o-ver- heard a fair one most grie- vous- ly com- plain, All H- M-4W-2 a-3 F-4 a-4 a-4 ST22D-4 F-2 F-4 a-4 F-4 F-4 E-4 D-3 S-6 S-6 L- for an ab- sent lo- ver that ploughed the ra-ging main.