N-Killigrew's Soiree C-J. Burke A- T- S-132 K-F B-6/8 F- H- M-1C-4 F-8 S-6 F-4 F-8 a-4 a-8 G-4 G-8 G-4 F-8 F-4 E-8 F-4 G-8 a-5 a-4 a-8 b-4 b-8 S-6 L- You may talk of Cla- ra No- lan's ball, or a- ny- thing you choose, But it coul- dn't H- M-6b-4 b-8 S-6 a-4 a-8 a-4 a-8 G-4 a-8 G-4 E-8 C-5 C-4 F-8 a-4 a-8 a-4 a-8 G-4 G-8 S-6 L- hold a snuff- box to the spree at Kil- li- grew's. If you want your eye- brows straigh-tened H- M-6G-4 G-8 S-6 F-4 E-8 F-4 G-8 a-5 a-4 a-8 b-4 b-8 b-4 b-8 a-4 a-8 a-4 a-8 G-4 b-8 S-6 L- Just come out next week with me, And you'll have to wear your glas- ses at the Kil- li- H- M-6a-4 G-8 S-6 F-5 C-4 F-8 a-5 a-5 G-5 G-5 F-4 E-8 F-4 G-8 a-4 a-8 S-6 L- grew's soi- ree. There was birch rine, tar twine, cher- ry wine and tur- pen- H- M-6a-5 S-6 b-4 b-8 b-4 b-8 a-5 a-5 G-4 a-8 G-4 E-8 C-5_C-5 a-5 S-6 L- tine, Jowls and ca- va- lan- ces, gin- ger beer and tea. Pig's H- M-6a-5 S-6 G-5 G-5 F-4 E-8 F-4_G-8 a-4 a-8 a-5 b-4 b-8 b-4 b-8 a-4 a-8 S-6 L- feet, cat's meat dump- lings boiled in a sheet, Dan- de- lion and crac- kie's H- M-4a-8 a-8 a-8 S-6 G-4 b-8 a-4 G-8 F-5_F-4 R-8 R-4 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- teeth at the Kil- li- grew's soi-ree.