N-If a Lady's Wearin' Pantaloons C-Trad: adapted by Dick Greenhaus A- T- S-128 K-C B-6/8 F- H- M-1G-4 F-8 S-6 E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 c-4 G-8 E-4 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-4 R-8 G-4 F-8 L- If a la- dy wear- in' pant- a- loons is swing- in' wit' a knife, Must I H- M-5E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 e-4 e-8 d-4 c-8 d-3_d-4 R-8 G-4 F-8 E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 L- stop and cross- ex- am- ine as to sex? "Air you Dat- to Mudd, his H- M-1c-4 G-8 E-4 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-4 R-8 e-4 d-8 c-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-4 a-8 b-4 d-8 L- own- self, ma'am, or air you jest his wife? Kind- ly an- swer 'fore I reach your so- lar H- M-5c-3_c-4 R-8 c-4 d-8 e-4 d#8 e-4 c-8 d%4 c#8 d-4 b-8 c%4 b-8 c-4 a-8 L- plex!" If a la- dy wear- in brit- ches is a- hid- in' in the H- M-5b-4 a-8 G-4 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-4 c-8 f-4 e-8 d-3_d-4 R-8 G-4 F-8 L- dit- ches An' she itch- es for my ears as sou- ven- irs, Must I H- M-5E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 c-4 G-8 E-4 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-8 G-8 R-8 e-4_d-8 c-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 L- arsk, be- fore I twists 'er, "Air you miss or air you mis-ter? How shall a bash- ful H- chorus: M-5b-4 G-8 b-4 d-8 c-3_c-2 R-4 e-4 d#8 e-4 c-8 d%4 c#8 d-4 b-8 L- man de- cide the dears? La- dies if yer wear- in' o' yer H- M-1c%4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-5 G-4 F-8 E-4 E-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 c-8 b-4 a-8 W-2 b-3_b-4 R-8 P+0 G-4 P+0 F-8 L- hus- bands' pant- a- loons, .- .- Mer- cy! How you makes a sol- dier blush! You will H- M-5E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 c-4 c-8 c-4 b-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-4 G-8 e-4_d-8 c-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 L- have ter take the chan- ces which is tied to hus- band's pant- ses, Or stay at home an' H- M-5b-4 G-8 b-4 d-8 c-3_c-4 R-8 R-5 e-4 d#8 e-4 c-8 d%4 c#8 d-4 b-8 L- make the bab- ies hush! We ain't no clair- voy- ants. If yer H- M-5c%4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-5 G-4 F-8 E-4 E-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 c-8 b-4 a-8 b-4 a#8 b-4 c-8 L- wear- in' pant- a- loons, We must take you as we find you when the guns be- gin their H- M-5b-4 R-8 G-4 F-8 E-4 G-8 c-4 d-8 c-8 c-4 c-4 b-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 G-4 G-8 e-4 d-8 L- tunes; An' we can- not be ca- ress-in' , though you puz- zle us dis- tress- in' When yer H- M-4c-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-4 G-8 b-4 d-8 c-3_c-4 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- wear- in' o' yer hus- bands' pant- a- loons!