N-Lizzy Lindsay C- A- T- S-100 K-C B-3/4 F- H- M-6E-8 D-8 S-6 C-2 G-8 G-8 G-4 E-4 D-8 C-8 D-4 E-2_E-2 E-8 D-8 C-2 G-8 G-8 L- Will ye gang tae the hie- lands Liz- zy Lind- say? Will ye gang tae the H- M-1G-4 E-4 G-4 a-3 b-2 c-4 C-2 G-8 G-8 L- hie- lands wi' me? Will ye gang tae the H- M-5G-4 E-4 D-8 C-8 D-8_E-8 E-2_E-2 G-4 a-4 c-5 a-8 G-8 E-5 D-4 L- Hie- lands Liz- zy Lind- say? My dar- ling and my wife to H- M-2C-3_C-3 L- be.