N-The Longshoreman's Strike C- A-Edward Harrigan T- S-136 K-G B-6/8 F- H- M-5D-5 S-6 G-5 a-4_G-8 E-5 D-5 d-5_d-4 b-8 d-5 c-4 d-8 L- I am a sim- ple la- b'ring man And I H- M-5e-5 d-4_b-8 G-5 a-4_G-8 E-3 R-4 R-8 D-4 D-8 G-5_G-4 a-8 L- work a- long the shore; For to keep the H- M-5E-5 D-5 d-5 b-5 d-5 c-4 d-8 e-5 d-5 G-5 a-5 L- hun- gry wolves a- way from the poor long- shore- man's H- M-5G-3 R-4 R-8 c-4 d-8 e-5 e-5 ST58e-8 d-8 b-5 ST68d-5_d-4 b-8 L- door. I toil all day long in the broi- ling H- M-4d-5 R-4 R-8 ST98e-5 d-5 b-4 a-8 ST68G-8 G-4 a-4 G-8 E-3 L- sun, On the ships that come in from the sea; H- M-5R-4 R-8 D-4_E-8 G-5 a-4_G-8 E-5 D-4 D-8 d-5 d-4_b-8 d-5 c-4 d-8 L- From ear- ly light un- til late at night For the H- Chorus M-1e-5 d-4_b-8 G-5 a-5 G-3 R-4 R-8 c-4 d-8 e-8 e-4_e-4 e-8 L- poor man's fa- mi- ly. Then it's give us good H- M-4e-8_d-4 R-4 b-8 d-5 d-5 ST98d-5 R-4 R-8 c-4 d-8 ST68e-5 d-4_b-8 L- pay for ev- 'ry day, For that's all we H- M-5G-5 a-4_G-8 E-3 R-4 R-8 D-4 E-8 G-5 a-4_G-8 E-5 D-4 D-8 L- ask of thee, For our cause is right, and we're H- M-5d-5 d-4 b-8 d-5 c-4 d-8 e-5 d-5 G-5 a-5 G-3 S-6 L- out on a strike, For the poor man's fa- mi- ly.