N-Have a Nice Day C-Mark Graham A- T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-5D-4 S-6 D-5 E-8 F-4 E-4 D-4 D-4 C-4 a-4 a-4 c-4 d-4 c-4 a-2 R-4 S-6 L- Come all you true A- me- ri- cans, the loy- al brave and true, H- M-5c-4 S-6 d-4 c-4 a-5 G-8 F-4 D-4 a-4 F-4 D-4 F-4 E-4 D-4 C-2 R-4 S-6 L- Let's wrap our- selves com- plete- ly in the old red, white and blue. H- M-5D-4 S-6 D-4 E-4 F-4 E-4 D-4 D-4 C-4 a-4 a-4 c-4 d-4 c-4 a-2 R-4 S-6 L- For Je- sus and free en- ter- prise we must pre- pare the way, H- M-5c-4 S-6 d-5 c-8 a-4 G-4 F-4 D-4 a-4 F-4 D-4 F-4 E-4 C-4 D-2 S-6 L- And a- ny- one who does not heed must be pre- pared to pay. H-chorus: M-5a-8 a-8 c-4 S-6 W-2 d-1_W-3 d-4 R-4 e-8 d-8 c-4 a-2 R-4 c-4 d-4 c-4 a-4 G-4 L- Have a nice day, Have a nice day. Don't heed those words of H- M-4F-4 D-4 a-4 F-4 D-4 F-4 E-4 D-4 C-2 R-4 D-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 E-4 L- wic- ked- ness that might lead you a- stray, See, hear and speak no H- M-4D-4 C-2 a-4 a-4 c-4 d-4 c-4 a-2 R-4 c-4 d-5 c-8 a-4 G-4 L- e- vil, just work real hard and pray, God loves you and He H- M-3F-4 D-4 a-8 G-8 F-4 W-2 D-1_W-3 D-4 R-4 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- hopes you'll have a nice day.