N-The Nobleman and the Thresher C- A- T- S-92 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-1a-8 S-6 a-8 a-8 a-8_F-8 D-4 E-8 F-8 G-8 G-8 E-8 F-8 D-4 R-8 G-8 a-8 b-8 c-8 a-8 d-4 c-8 b-8 a-9 G-0 G-8 b-8 a-4 R-8 S-6 L- A no- ble- man met with a thre-sher-man one day, "Come now, good ho-nest fel- low, come tell to me I pray, H- M-5G-8 S-6 a-8 b-8 c-8_a-8 d-8 d-8 c-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 E-8 D-8 R-8 E-8 D-8 C-8 D-8 E-0_F-0 G-8 a-8_b-8 c-8 a-8 G-4 E-8 F-8 D-4 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- You have a large fa- mi- ly, I know it to be true; How d'you ma-nage to main-tain them as well as you do?"