N- C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-1R-2 R-4 D-8 D-8 G-2 a-8 a-5 W-2 ST54b-4 S-9 d-2 b-5 a-8 W-3 ST44G-8 G-5 C-5 C-8 L- Well, the rain's soft- ly fal-ling and the og- gy man's no H- M-1W-2 S-9 D-3 D-4 G-2 a-8 a-5 ST54b-4 S-9 d-2 b-5 a-8 W-3 ST44G-2 C-5 C-8 S-9 D-3 D-4 L- more. I can't hear him cal- ling like I used to be- fore, I H- M-6b-2 b-5 a-8 ST54W-2 W-2 a-8 G-8_G-2 G-4 a-4 b-5 F-8 a-5 G-8 D-4_ST44D-2_D-4 D-4 b-8 b-8_b-2 a-4 a-4 G-2 G-8 a-8 L- came through the gate-way and I heard the ser- geant say, "The big boys are com- ing, See their H- M-4b-5 G-8 a-4 G-4 S-9 D-2 D-4 D-4 G-2 a-8 a-5 W-2 ST54b-4 S-9 d-2 b-5 a-8 L- stands a- cross the way." Yes the rain's soft- ly fal- ling, and the H- M-2W-3 G-8 G-5 C-5 C-8 S-9 D-3 R-4 S-6 L- og- gy man's no more.