N-The Paisley Officer C- A- T- S-120 K-G B-3/4 F- H- M-6G-4 S-6 b-2 b-4 G-8 a-5 b-4 a-2 F-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 G-8_E-5 F-4 L- Oh blithe and bon- ny is fair Scot- land, where the blue bells H- M-5E-2 D#4 E-3 R-2 E-4 G-2 a-4 b-4 c#4 d-4 L- gent- ly grow. There lived a young and a H- M-1e-4_d-4 b-4 d-2 R-4 e-3 d-2 b-4 a-8_G-5 a-4 L- pret- ty lass, down in the low- lands H- M-5b-3 R-2 E-4 G-2 a-4 b-4_c#4 d-4 e-4_d-4 b-4 L- low; And ma- ny times there came a H- M-5d-2 R-4 e-3 d-2 b-4 a-8_G-5 a-4 b-3 L- chief All from the banks of Clyde, H- M-5R-2 G-4 b-2 b-4 G-8 a-5 b-4 a-8_F-5 a-4 D-4 E-4 F-4 L- Al- though here cot- tage was poor and low, she was H- M-4G-8_E-5 F%4 W-2 E-2 D#4 E-3 R-2 S-6 S-6 L- called the vil- lage pride.