N-Lakes of Pontchartrain C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-5G-8 F-8 S-6 G-4 E-4 F-4 D#4 E-4 B-2 G-8 G-8 E-8 F-8 D#4 E-2_E-4 E-8 E-8 S-6 L- O- ver logs and al- li- ga- tors, I made my wea-ry way. O- ver H- M-5D-5 D-8 S-6 D-5 D-8 D-4 D-4_D-8 D-8 D-5 D-8 D-4_D-8 D-8 D-2 G-8 F-8 G-4 E-4 S-6 L- rail- road ties and cros- sings, Un- til the close of day; Till at last when H- M-5F-4 D#4 S-6 E-4 B-2 G-8 G-8 E-8 F-8 D#4 E-2_E-4 E-8 E-8 a-4 b-4 c-4 b-8_a-8 S-6 L- night was fal- ling Some high-er ground I gained And a Cre- ole girl who H- M-3G-8_F-8 E-4 S-6 B-4 E-8 F-8 G-4 F-8 E-8 B-4 D#4 E-2 S-6 L- wai- ted there by the Lakes of the Pon- char- train