N-The Battle of Prairie Grove C- A- T- S-100 K-E B-5/4 F- H- m-1R-2 R-2 e-8 e-0 e-0_e-8 h-8 h-9 h-0 h-0 h-0 i-8_i-5 i-8 ST44h-8 g%8 e-8 d%8 e-4 e-9 e-0 L- Now come all you sons of I-o-way come lis-ten to my song. If you H- m-3h-9 h-0 h-0 h-8 h-0_h-0 i-9_i-5 i-8 ST44j-8 j-8 i-8 h-8 i-5 i-8 ST54i-9 i-0 i-0 i-9 k-2 i-9 i-0 L- will but pay at- ten- tion, I won't de-tain you long. 'Tis at the gal-yant charge At the B-4/4 H- m-3j-- j-= j-8 i-)_h-)_g-) g-8 h-5 h-8 ST54j-8 j-8 i-8 h-8 j-8 i-5_i-8 h-8 ST44h-8 f-0 e-0_e-0 e-0 d-8 e-2 S-6 L- Bat-tle of Prai-rie grove, And we with sou-thern re- bels, Un- e- qual num-ber was strode.