N-I Sliced Pastrami for the CIA C-Sherwood Ross A- T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-1c-8 S-6 c-8 G-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 G-8 R-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 G&8 G-8 F-4 R-4 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 S-6 S-6 L- I ran a Ko- sher de- li Down old Vir-gin-ia way, (spoken) Not far from the Pent-a gon And the C- I- A, H- M-1W-2 G-8 S-6 W-3 G-8 G-8 F#8 G-8 a-8 G-8 R-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 G&8 G-8 F-4 R-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 F-8 a-8 G-0 G-0 F-8 D-8 C-4 S-6 L- An ad-mi- ral got heart-burn Two gen- 'rals passed a way, That's when my coun-try called me To trick for the U-S-A, B-2/4 H- M-1W-1 R-4 c-4 ST44W-3 c-8 G-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 G-8 R-8 G-0 G-0 G-8 G-8 G&8 G-8 F-4 R-4 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 S-6 L- Oh, I was whisked to Lang-ley, In a fo-reign ser-vice car, Asked to go to Cu- ba, Set up a de- li bar B-4/4 H- M-5G-8 S-6 G-8 G-8 F#8 G-8 a-8 G-8 R-8 G-8 G-8 G-8 G&8 G-8 F-4 R-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-8 x-4 F-8 a-8 G-0_G-0 F-8 D-8 C-8 R-4 S-6 L-"Irving, slice the same pa-stra-mi, you fix here ev-'ry day, Lets hope Big En- chi-la-da Is gon-na come your way." B-2/4 H- M-1W-2 R-4 G-4 W-3 W-3 ST44G-4 G-8 G-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 F-8 R-4 b-0 b&9 a-4 R-8 a-8 b-4 b&8 a-4 b-4 b-8 W-2 a-4 a&4 G-4 c-8 c-8 L- Oh, I sliced pa- stra-mi for the C-I- A, the C- I- A, yeah, the C- I- A. It was B-4/4 H- M-4c-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 a-8 G-8 E-8 C-8 B-4 C-8 D-5 R-8 b-8 b-4 a-4 F-4 D-4 C-2 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- Fi- del dee-dle dee-dle dee-dle dee all day, Down old Ha- va- na way.