N-Raving Winds C- A-Robert Burns T- S-72 K-C B-3/4 F-tune: McGrigor of Roro's Lament H- M-5R-2 G-9 a-0 c-4 c-4 d-9_d-0 e-4 G-4 G-9 a-0 c-4 c-4 d-9 d-0 e-4 G-4 C-0_E-0 G-8 L- Rav- ing winds round her blow- ing, Yel- low leaves the wood- land strow-ing, By a H- M-5e-4 e-4 g-9 e-0 d-4 c-4 c-9 a-0 c-4 E-9_D-0 E-9 G-0 a-4 C-4 G-9_a-0 c-4 c-9 c-0 d-9 d-0 L- ri- ver hoarse-ly roar- ing Is- a- bel- la stray'd de- plor- ing; Fare- well hours that late did H- M-1e-4 G-4 G-9 a-0 c-4 c-4 d-9 d-0 e-4 G-4 C-0_E-0 G-8 e-4 e-4 g-9 e-0 d-4 c-4 c-9 a-0 L- mea- sure Sun- shine days of joy and plea- sure, Hail, thou gloom- y night of sor- row Cheer-less H- M-1G-4 E-4 G-9 E-0 D-4 C-4 R-4 S-6 L- night that knows no mor- row! H- M-0 L- H- M-0 L- H- M-0 L- H- M-0 L-