N-The Regular Army, Oh C-Harrington and Hart A- T- S-100 K-A B-6/8 F- H- M-6W-2 E-8 S-6 W-3 F-4 F-8 F-4 F-8 F-4 E-8 C-4 E-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-5_b-8 R-8 e-8 f-4 e-8 c-4 b-8 L- Three years a- go, this ve- ry day, I went to Gov- 'ners Isle To stand fer- inst the H- M-5a-8 F-4 R-4 E-0_C-0 E-4 E-8 E-4 C-8 E-5_E-4 E-8 F-4 F-8 F-8 F-8 F-8 F-4_E-8 C-4 E-8 L- can-non, in true mili- ta- ry style; Thir-teen Am- er- i- can dol- lars, Each H- M-5a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-5_b-8 R-8 e-8 f-8 f-8 e-8 c-4 b-8 a-8 F-4 F-4 C-0 C-0 F-4 F-8 F-4 F-8 L- month we sure- ly get, To car-ry a gun and bay- o- net with a mil- i- ta- ry H- chorus: M-5F-5_F-8 R-8 c-8 e-4 e-8 e-4 c-8 e-4 c-8 a-4 c-8 e-4 e-8 e-4 e-8 e-5_e-4 e-8 L- step. There's Ser- geant John Mc- Caf- fer- ty, and Cor- p'ral Don- a hue, They H- M-5f-4 e-8 c-4 b-8 a-4 F-8 E-4 C-8 E-4 E-8 E-4 C-8 E-5_E-8 R-8 E-8 F-4 F-8 F-4 G-8 L- make us march up to the crack in gal- lant Com- pany Q. The drums they roll, up- H- M-5F-4 E-8 C-4 E-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 a-8 b-5_b-8 R-8 e-0 e-0 f-4 e-8 c-4 b-8 a-4 F-8 E-8 C-8 C-8 L- on my soul, for that's the way we go; For-ty miles a day on beans and hay in the H- M-2F-8 F-8 F-8 F-4 F-8 F-5_F-8 R-8 S-6 S-6 L- Reg- u- lar Ar- my, Oh!