N-Remember the Alamo C- A-T.A. Durriage T- S-100 K-A B-2/4 F- H- A D M-1W-4 W-2 E-8 S-6 W-4 E-9 E-0 E-9 C-0 E-9 F-0 a-9 a-0 F-9 F-0 F-9 E-0 F-9 G-0 a-9 S-6 L- When on the wide- spread bat- tle plain The horse- man's hand can scarce re-strain H- A C#7 F# A D A M-5W-4 b-0 S-6 c-9 c-0 b-9 G-0 a-9 b-0 c-9 b-0 a-7 F-7 F-7 F-9 E-0 E-5 S-6 L- his pam- per'd steed that spurns the rein Re-mem- ber the A- la- mo! H- E7 M-5W-2 E-8 S-6 W-4 c-9 c-0 c-9 b-0 c-9 d-0 e-9 c-0 b-9 b-0 b-9 a-0 b-9 c-0 d-9 S-6 L- When sounds the thril- ling bu- gle blast, And "Cherge!" from rank to rank is passed, H- A C#7 F#m A D A M-5W-4 d-0 S-6 e-9 c-0 b-9 G-0 a-9 b-0 c-9 c-0 a-7 F-7 F-7 F-8 E-8 E-5 S-6 S-6 L- then as your sa- ber strokes fall fast, Re- mem- ber the A- la- mo!