N-The Rest of the Day's Your Own C- A- T- S-100 K-D B-4/4 F- H- M-5F-8 S-6 a-9 a-0 a-9 a-0 d-9 d-0 d-9 d-0 E-9 E-0 E-9 E-0 b-5 a-8 b-4 e-4 d-4 c-4 d-2_d-4 R-8 S-6 L- One day when I was out of work, a job I went to seek; To be a far- mer's boy. H- M-5F-8 S-6 a-9 a-0 a-9 a-0 d-9 d-0 d-9 d-0 E-9 E-0 E-9 E-0 b-5 a-8 b-4 e-4 d-4 c-4 d-2_d-4 R-8 S-6 L- At last I found an ea- sy job at half-a- crown a week, To be a far- mer's boy. H- M-5d-8 S-6 c-9 c-0 c-9 c-0 c-9 c-0 d-9 a#0 c-9 b-0 b-9 a#0 b-5 c-8 d-9 F-0 E#9 F-0 c-9 E%0 D#9 E-0 b-9 a#0 b-9 c-0 a%5 S-6 L- The far- mer said I think I've got an ea-sy job for you, Your du-ties will be light, for this is all you've got to do: H- M-1R-8 S-6 ST68d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 G-4 F-8 E-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 L- Rise at three ev- 'ry morn, Milk the cow with the crum- pled horn, Feed the pigs, B-6/8 H- M-1d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 G#4 a-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 L- clean the sty, Teach the pi-geons the way to fly; Plough the fields, mow the hay, H- M-5d-4 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 G-4 F-8 E-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 E-4 G#8 b-8 e-8 d-8 L- Help the cocks and the hens to lay, Sow the seed, tend the crops, chase the flies from the H- M-1c-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-8 G-8 F-8 G-4 F-8 E-4 R-8 L- tur- nip tops; Clean the knives, black the shoes, Scrub the kit-chen and sweep the flues, H- M-1d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 G#4 a-8 b-8 a-8 G-8 a-4 b-8 c-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 L- Help the wife, wash the pots, grow the cab-ba-ges and car- rots, Make the beds, H- M-5d-4 b-8 a-4 R-8 d-4 b-8 a-4 F-8 E-5_E-8 R-8 E-8 F-8 E#8 F-8 G-4 G-8 a-4 a-8 b-4 b-8 L- dust the coals, Mend the gra- mo- phone; And then if there's no more work to do, The H- M-2d-8 b-8 G-8 F-4 E-8 D-5_D-4 S-6 S-6 L- rest of the day's your own.