N-The Death of a Romish Lady C- A- T- S-100 K-A B-4/4 F- H- M-1a-4 S-6 F-5 E-8 F-4 a-4 E-5_F-8 a-4 a-4 c-4 c-4 b-4 c-4 W-2 F-3 a-4 L- There was a Ro- mish la- dy, brought up in po- pe- ry, Her H- M-4F-5 E-8 F-4 a-4 E-5_F-8 a-4 a-8 a-8 c-4 c-4 b-4 b-4 a-3 b-4 L- mo- ther al- ways taught her that the priest she must o- bey; Oh, H- M-4c-5 b-8 c-4 e-4 b-5_c-8 b-4 c-4 a-5 b-8 a-4 E-4 F-3 a-4 L- par- don me, dear mo- ther, I hum- bly pray thee now, For H- M-4F-5 E-8 F-4 a-4 E-5_F-8 a-4 a-4 c-4 c-4 b-4 b-4 a-3 S-6 S-6 L- un- to these false i- dols I can no lon- ger bow.