N-Cyclone at Ryecove C- A- T- S-100 K-Eb B-3/4 F- H- m-6p-4 S-6 p-4 p-4 p-8_j-8 p-2 n&7_n-7 n%7 m-4 l-4 j-7_j-7_l-7 l-2 l-7_l-7 l-7 n-2 n-8_m-8 L- O, lis- ten to- day, Of a sto- ry I'll tell, In a sad and H- m-5l-4_m-4 n-4 n-8_m-5_m-4 ST24R-4 l-7_l-7 m-7 ST34n-4 p-4 j-7_j-7 j-7 p-2 n-4 L- tear- dom way, Of a dread- ful cy-cl- one that H- m-5m-8_l-5 j-4 l-2 l-4 l-4 p-4 n-8 n-8 m-4 n-4 n-8_m-8 l-3 L- came down here, And blew our lit-tle school- house a- way. B-2/4 H-chorus: m-5R-4 l-4 ST34o-3_W-3 ST24o-4 o-4 ST44n-2 R-4 n-8_p-8 ST34p-4 p-4 p-4 L- Rye- cove, Ry- cove, The place of my B-3/4 H- m-5l-4 m-4 m-8_n-8 m-3 ST24R-4 l-4 ST34n-4 p-4 j-4 p-2 n-4 L- child- hood and home, Where life's ear- ly morn, I H- m-5m-4 l-4 j-7_j-7_l-7 l-2 l-4 n-4 p-4 n-4 m-4 n-4 m-0_n-0_m-8 l-3 S-6 L- once loved to roam, But now is so so- lemn and lone.