N-The Scolding Wife C- A- T- S-100 K-A B-2/4 F- H- M-1A-4 S-6 D-4 F-4 W-2 E-2_E-2_W-3 E-4 D-8_B-8 @-4 B-4 W-2 A-2_A-2_W-3 A-4 F-4 G%4 E-4 W-2 a-2 L- There lives a man in- to this toon, An ho- nest man H- M-9a-4 F-4 G%8_D-8 E-4_W-2 E-2_E-2 W-3 R-4 F-4 G%4 E-4 a-2 E-5 D-8 C-4 A-4 L- and a wea- ver, He had a wife and a scold- ing H- M-6@%4 B-8 B-8 A-4 C-8_E-8 D-4 B-4 @%4 A-4_A-2 R-4 S-6 S-6 L- wife And he could not live be- side her.