N-Oh, Who Is At My Bedroom Window? C- A- T- S-100 K-G B-4/4 F- H- M-1W-2 d-2 S-6 b-4 d-4 G-2 b-2 a-4 G-4 E-4 D-4 D-2 G-4 b-4 d-2 e-2 b-4 d-4 a-2 d-2 b-4 d-4 G-2 L- Oh who is at my bed-room win-dow, Dis- tur-bing me from my night's rest? It is, it is H- M-5W-2 b-2 a-4 G-4 E-4 D-4 D-2 G-4 b-4 d-2 a-4_b-4 c-4 b-4 G-2 S-6 S-6 L- your own true lo-ver, The ve- ry one that you love best.