N-The Silk Merchant's Daughter C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-3/4 F- H- M-5R-2 D-4 A-4 D-4 D-4 D-4 C-4 D-4 F-4 G-4 F-4 a-2 a-8_G-8 L- There was a rich mer- chant in Lon- don did right, Had H- M-5F-4 E-4 F-8_G-8 a-4 S-9 c-4 c-8_d-8 c-4 a-4 c-4 G-2 D-4 F-4 G-4 a-4 L- on- ly one daugh- ter Her beau- ty shined bright; She lov- ed a H- M-5f-4 S-9 d-4 c-8 c-8 d-4 c-4 d-4 a-2 a-8_G-8 F-4 D-4 D-4 c-4 S-9 a-4 a-8_G-8 L- por- ter And to pre- vent the day, Of mar- riage they sent this poor H- M-2F-4 D-4 F-4 D-2 R-4 S-6 L- young man a- way.