N-The Potato C- A- T- S-100 K-F B-4/4 F-Tune: The Barber Shaved the Monkey and the Monkey Shaved the Cat H- M-5f-9_e-0 S-6 d-9 d-0 d-9 e-0 d-9 c-0 a-8 c-0 c-0 f-9 g-0 h-8 f-8 g-4 h-9_j-0 k-9 j-0 h-9 g-0 f-9 g-0 h-9 f-0 g-9 h-0 g-9 e-0 S-6 L- We have a loy- al lit-tle friend the po-ta-to smooth and round, And sel- dom does it fail to lend a dish that's good and H- M-5c-5 f-0_e-0 S-6 d-9 d-0 d-9 e-0 d-9 c-0 a-9 c-0 f-9 g-0 h-9 f-0 g-5 h-0_j-0 k-9 j-0 h-9 g-0 f-9 g-0 h-9 h-0 g-0 f-9 d-9 d-0 S-6 L- sound, Oh tru- ly 'tis a friend in need tho' trea-ted with dis-dain A most es-sen-tial food in-deed that ful-ly earns its H- M-1d-4 S-6 S-6 L- fame.