N-A Thousand Songs C-Bill Steele A- T- S-100 K-C B-4/4 F- H- M-5@-4 S-6 @-4 C-4 C-8 C-5 C-8 C-5 P-8 C-8 C-5 B-4 B-4 C-4 D-4 W-2 C-3 E-4 L- I woke up smel-ling ba- con with a pine cone in my side; I H- M-5F-4 F-4 F-4 G-4 E-5 E-8 D-4 C-4 W-2 D-1_D-2 P-8 D-4 E-4 W-3 F-4 F-4 F-8 F-5 L- stuck my head out in the morn- ing sun; There was one guy fix- in' H- M-1G-4 G-2 D-4 E-8 E-5 E-8 D-5 C-3 P-5 C-8 C-8 D-5 D-8 D-8 D-5 L- break- fast and twen-ty sing- ing songs, so I knew that break-fast H- M-5D-8 A-5 B-4 C-4 W-2 D-1_D-3 E-4 W-3 F-4 F-4 F-4 F-4 G-8 G-5 G-4 D-4 L- ne- ver would get done. I crawled out of my sleep-ing bag and H- M-4E-4 E-4 E-5 P-0 D-8 D-3 P-5 @-4 A-5 C-8 C-4 C-4 C-8 A-5 B-4 C-4 L- picked up my gui- tar, To start the day with cof- fee and a H- M-5W-2 D-1_D-3 E-4 W-3 F-5 F-8 F-8 F-5 G-8 G-5 G-4 D-4 E-5 E-8 E-8 D-5 L- song; We'd built a sing- ing ci- ty un- der- neath the spread- ing H- chorus: M-6W-2 C-3_C-8 P+8 @-8 W-3 P+0 A-8 C-5 C-5 C-8 B-4 P-0 B-4 P-0 C-4 P-0 D-4 W-2 C-1_C-3 @-4 @-4 C-4 C-5 C-8 L- trees, To join it, all you do is sing a- long. We start-ed in the H- M-5C-4 P-0 C-4 P-0 C-4 P-0 C-4 D-2 P-9 E-4 F-4 D-3 P-5 C-4 F-4 P-0 F-4 P-0 F-4 P-0 F-4 E-8 E-5 P-8 E-4 E-4 L- morn- ing with a hymn to the sun; We sang through lunch and din- ner and we've H- M-4D-4 E-4 D-5 C-8 D-3 P-5 G-4 a-5 a-8 a-5 b-8 c-4 G-4 G-5 E-8 L- hard- ly just be- gun, We'll try to sing a thou- sand songs be- H- M-4F-4 F-4 F-4 G-4 E-2 P-4 C-5 P-8 C-8 B-4 B-2 B-4 B-5 B-8 C-4 D-4 W-2 L- fore this day is done, and to- mor- row there'll be a thou- sand H- M-2W-2 C-1_C-3 S-6 S-6 L- more.